Payment Webhooks

Payment webhooks are specific to payment events and are triggered on multiple occasions:

  1. Post-Payment Completion

    Once a payer has completed the payment process and awaits redirection. To get notified for this event, the webhook_url must either be sent via the Checkout API when the payment transaction is created or set as the default webhook_url in the Ottu dashboard to apply for all transactions.

  2. Automatic Inquiry by Ottu

    If a payment transaction has an associated webhook_url, it can be notified during the automatic inquiry process. This can happen immediately after the payer completes the payment process or later if the payment encounters an error. More details about the timings for automatic inquiry can be found here.

  3. Manual Inquiry by Staff

    When a staff member initiates a manual inquiry from the Ottu dashboard.

  4. Manual Notification by Staff

    When a staff manually triggers a notification to the webhook_url from the Ottu dashboard.

  5. Merchant-Initiated Inquiry

    When an inquiry API call is initiated by the merchant. Optionally, a notification can be sent to the webhook_url associated with the payment transaction or to a new one specified during the inquiry API call.

amount string mandatory

The initial amount of the payment transaction. See amount Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

The merchant should always check if the received amount from Ottu side is the amount of the order, to avoid user changing the cart amount in between.

amount_details object mandatory

Payment transaction due amount details

amount_details child parameters

1️currency_code string mandatory

The code represents the used currency 3 letters

2️amount string mandatory

Payment transaction original amount. See amount Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

3️ total string mandatory

It represents the whole payment amount (amount+fee) Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

4️ fee string mandatory

It represents a markup amount on the original amount Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

capture_delivery_address bool conditional

Indicates whether to capture delivery address.

Presence condition:

  • The merchant should include it during the creation of the transaction.

Indicates whether to capture delivery location.

Presence condition:

  • The merchant should include it during the creation of the transaction.

currency_code string mandatory

The currency code of the payment transaction For more details, 3 letters code

Billing address information

Customer billing address data

Presence condition:

  • The customer should include the billing address data while making the payment of the transaction.

The city where the customer is living and registered Max length: 40

The country where the customer is living and registered Based on ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code Validation will be performed against existing countries Max length: 2

Customer's street & house data Max length: 255

Additional data for accuracy purpose for line1 Max length: 255

Postal code. Max length 12 (it may have different length for different countries)

State of the customer’s city (sometimes the same as the city) Max length 40

customer_email string conditional

Where to pass the customer’s email address Have to be a valid email address Max length 128

Presence condition:

  • The customer should include it while making the payment of the transaction.

customer_first_name string conditional

For the customer's first name Max length 64

Presence condition:

  • The customer should include it while making the payment of the transaction.

customer_id string conditional

Customer ID is created by a merchant, and stored in the merchant database Max length 64

Presence condition:

  • The merchant should include it during the creation of the transaction.

customer_last_name string conditional

For the customer's last name Max length 64

Presence condition:

  • The customer should include it while making the payment of the transaction.

customer_phone string conditional

Where to pass the customer’s phone number Max length 32

Presence condition:

  • The customer should include it while making the payment of the transaction.

extra object conditional

The extra information for the payment details, which the merchant has sent it in key value form.

Presence condition:

  • The presence of the element will depend on whether the merchant includes it during transaction creation by adding each element from the plugin field configuration.

For example:


fee string conditional

It represents a markup amount on the original amount. Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

Presence condition:

gateway_account string mandatory

The code of the payment gateway used to proceed the payment Max length 16

gateway_name string mandatory

The name of the payment gateway used to proceed the payment Max length 64

gateway_response object conditional

It will contain the raw payment gateway response sent by the payment gateway to Ottu.

Presence condition:

  • It will only be present in response to the PG's callback request for the transaction.

initiator object conditional

This object contains information about the user who created the transaction from Ottu side, specifically, the user who generated the payment URL

Presence condition:

is_sandbox bool conditional

Whether the transaction was carried out in a sandbox environment.

Presence conditions:

  • It will only be present when PG's setting configured as sandbox

message string conditional

A message indicating the cause of a payment attempt failure., which is directly related to the payment attempt itself Max length 255.

Presence condition:

  • It will only be present if a payment attempt records an error.

order_no string conditional

It is a specific code that is assigned to a transaction by the merchant. By assigning a unique identifier to each transaction, the merchant can easily retrieve and review transaction details in the future, as well as identify any issues or discrepancies that may arise. such like : ABC123_1, ABC123_2 Max length 128

Presence condition:

  • It will be present only if order_no has been provided in the request payload.

It is the amount that is credited to the merchant's bank account Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

Presence condition:

  • It will only be present if a capture action is being processed on the transaction and the paid amount is recorded.

reference_number string mandatory

It is a unique identifier for the payment attempt, which can be used as a tracking identifier Max length 128

refunded_amount string conditional

The payment amount paid back from the merchant to the customer. Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

Presence condition:

  • It will only be present if a refund action is being processed on the transaction and the refunded amount is recorded.

remaining_amount string conditional

The amount remaining to be paid in the transaction. (amountsettled amount) Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

Presence condition:

  • It will only be sent if the editable amount option is turned on.

result string mandatory

Could be "success", "pending", "failed", "canceled", "error", and "cod". See payment transaction states. Max length 50

session_id string mandatory

Ottu unique identifier which gets generated when the transaction is created. It can be used to perform subsequent operations, like retrieve, acknowledge, refund, capture, and cancelation. Max length 128

settled_amount string conditional

Is the amount with the same currency of the initiating amount,

  • For editable amount: It is the amount that the customer enters at the checkout page

  • For on-editable amount: The settled amount is the same value as the original payment amount

Presence condition:

  • It will be present only if the transaction is paid, authorized or cod.

signature string mandatory

A cryptographic hash used to guarantee data integrity and authenticity during client-server exchanges. This hash ensures that the API payload has not been tampered with, and can only be verified by authorized parties.

state string mandatory

It is one of the Payment transaction state. And could one of the below: created, pending, attempted, authorized, paid, failed, canceled, expired, invalided, or cod. Max length 50

transaction_log_id string conditional

The ID of the transaction log associated with the transaction. Max length 32-bit String (2^31 - 1)

Presence condition:

  • It will be sent only if the transaction type is BULK as it's a bulk identifier.

transaction array conditional

transaction child parameters

Transactions resulted to the PG operations performed on the parent transaction See child transaction sate

Presence conditions:

  • It will be sent only if operations processed on transaction and resulted child transaction records.

1️amount string conditional

The amount of child transaction object represented in transactions Array Must be positive Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

2️currency_code string conditional

The code represents the used currency. 3 letters

3️order_no stringconditional

The order_no of child transaction object represented in transactions Array

4️ session_id stringconditional

The unique session identifier of child transaction object represented in transactions Array

5️state string conditional

The state of a child transaction object represented in transactions Array

token object conditional

token child parameters

Represents token details.

  • Presence conditions:

When user pays with a tokenized card, Ottu will include the token details in the response

1️brand string mandatory

The card brand (e.g., Visa, Mastercard) associated with the card. Display this information for customer reference.

2️auto_debit_enabled string mandatory

Define if provided card token can be used to initiate auto debit requests.

3️ customer_id string mandatory

The unique identifier for the customer who owns the card Max length: 36

4️ cvv_required bool mandatory

Specifies if the card requires the submission of a CVV for transactions. A card without CVV requirement can be used for auto-debit or recurring payments

5️ expiry_month string mandatory

The card's expiration month. Provide this information for transaction processing and validation. Max length: 2

6️ expiry_yearstring mandatory

The card's expiration year. Provide this information for transaction processing and validation. Max length: 2

7️ is_expired bool mandatory

A boolean field indicating whether the card has expired. Use this information to determine if the card is valid for transactions and to notify the customer if necessary.

voided_amount string conditional

The payment amount resulted by performing void operation Max length: 24 Min value: 0.01

Presence condition:

  • It will only be present if a void action is being processed on the transaction and the voided amount is recorded.

Ottu notifies the webhook_url for all payment event types, not just success. This includes statuses like error, failed, pending, rejected, etc. The payload provides enough context to identify the status of the event.

Events like Refund, Void, or Capture are considered operation events and not payment events. If you’re looking for information on these, please refer to the Operation Webhook page.

Ensure you meet all the endpoint requirements mentioned in the Webhooks Overview here. Additionally, if you want the payer to be finally redirected to your website, ensure your endpoint returns an HTTP status of 200. Any other status will retain the payer on the Ottu payment details page. If you intentionally wish to keep the payer on the Ottu page, return a status code of 201. This will be interpreted by Ottu as a successful notification, and the payer won’t be redirected. Otherwise, Ottu will consider the notification as failed. In cases where you want to redirect the payer to a specific URL after the payment process, ensure you provide the redirect_url during the payment setup. This URL will be used by Ottu to guide the payer back to your platform or any desired page after the payment process is completed. See Webhooks Configuration.

To ensure a smooth redirection of the payer back to the designated redirect_url, it is essential that the redirect_url is accurately provided during the payment setup. Additionally, the webhook_url must respond with a status code of 200. This specific status code serves as a confirmation of successful interaction between the involved systems, ultimately guaranteeing the seamless progression of the redirection process as originally intended.

Redirect behavior based on webhook_url response: - status code 200, the customer will be redirected to redirect_url. - status code 201, the customer will be redirected to Ottu payment summary page. - status code any other code, the customer will be redirected to Ottu payment summary page. For this particular case, Ottu can notify on the email, when Enable webhook notifications? Activated

    "fee":"0.00 KWD",
        "It will contain the raw pg response sent by the pg to Ottu"
    "initiator": {
        "id": 1, "first_name":"test", "last_name":"test", "username":"test", "email":"", "phone":"+911111111111"

When you receive a payment notification, it’s crucial to understand and acknowledge the payment’s status and details. Here’s how you can interpret the information:

1. Payment Events Types

There are several types of payment events you might encounter:

  • Payment: This indicates a direct payment transaction.

  • Authorization: This signifies a payment authorization, which might be captured later.

  • Cash (Offline): This represents an offline payment, often referred to as Cash on Delivery (COD).

2. Interpreting the result field

The result field is your primary indicator of the payment’s outcome:

  • If the result is success, it means the payment was successful.

  • If the result is failure, it indicates an unsuccessful payment attempt.

  • For cash payments, the result field will be cod, indicating Cash on Delivery.

3. Understanding the operation Field

The operation field provides insight into the type of transaction:

  • If the operation is payment, it indicates a direct payment.

  • If the operation is authorization, it signifies a payment that’s been authorized but not yet captured.

4. Verifying the Amount

  • The amount field provides the value the customer has paid in the currency set during the payment setup.

  • However, the actual amount captured by the Payment Gateway (PG) might differ. This can be due to additional fees, currency conversion, or other factors. To get the exact amount captured by the PG, refer to amount_details.amount. The currency in which this amount is denominated can be found in amount_details.currency_code.

  • In most scenarios, cross-referencing with the amount field should suffice. But if there are discrepancies or if you’ve set up fees or currency conversions, it’s advisable to verify with amount_details.

5. Cash Payments

For Cash on Delivery transactions, the result field will specifically be cod. This helps differentiate offline payments from online ones.

By understanding and interpreting these fields correctly, you can ensure accurate and timely acknowledgment of all your payments, be they online or offline.

AWebhooks are automated messages sent from Ottu to a specified endpoint when a particular event occurs. They’re useful for real-time notifications, allowing you to automate reactions to events like payment completions or gateway operations without constantly polling our API.

There could be several reasons:

  1. Ensure that the webhook is enabled, either via the Ottu dashboard or the Checkout API.

  2. Check that your endpoint meets all the requirements, such as being secure (HTTPS) and having a response time under 25 seconds.

  3. Verify that your endpoint returns an HTTP status of 200 or 201 to acknowledge receipt.

  4. If you’re still facing issues, reach out to our support team for assistance.

Ottu uses the SHA-256 signing mechanism to sign all webhook payloads. By verifying the signature attached to each payload, you can ensure its authenticity and integrity. Detailed steps on how to verify the signature can be found here.

Webhooks can be retried, especially in cases of timeouts. It’s essential to make your webhook processing idempotent, meaning processing the same webhook notification more than once should not have a different effect. Always check the event ID or transaction ID to ensure you’re not processing duplicates.

By default, Ottu will retry a webhook three times with a backoff factor of 5 seconds between retries. This behavior can be adjusted in the webhook settings.

Feel free to ask any other questions or provide more context, and we can craft more FAQs accordingly!